Success Coach, Business Coach, Life Coach, Goal Setting and Achievement Coach, Parenting Coach
Are You on the Right Path to Your Fulfilled Dreams and Goals?
Mastermind Your Way to Success
Yvonne H. Bustamante, M.A. & Karen Tinsley Payton

What Does a Professional Life Coach Do?

A Professional Life Coach teaches, inspires, and teams with you to excel in the areas that you are looking to master. Just as an effective athletic coach draws out the champion in the athlete, a Professional Life Coach can draw out the champion in you!

We all have "coaches" and "mentors" throughout our lives...These are the people who have significant influence on us and the results we produce or career success we have or don't have. You may not call them your coach or mentor even though you model them and listen to them as such. Who are these people in your life? Your parents? Best friend? Boss or coworker? Priest, Rabbi or Pastor? Neighbor? Sibling? Therapist? Hair Stylist?

So what's the difference? Sometimes not much, but most of the time there is a huge gap or difference between a Professional Life Coach and a good friend when it comes to making a significant change or shift in your life or career.

A Professional Life Coach is dedicated to the continuous study and application of personal and/or business development. They act as a partner to collaborate with you on working towards your own unique and optimal state of success. Your needs and wants are their primary focus, as they assist you to identify the right tools and strategies to get what you want. They help you discover your best self, then how to be it and live it.

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How Will Professional Coaching Benefit Me?

Most often, the difference between success and failure is just a simple tweak... effective coaches are very proficient at helping you identify the difference makers, plus, they become your accountability partner in applying the changes in order for you to achieve the success you desire. Conversations are dedicated to uncovering the biggest stumbling blocks that are tripping you up or keeping you stuck, and how you can turn them into stepping stones. You will get crystal clear on what you're really trying to accomplish and then create the roadmap to get there. Your Professional Life Coach becomes your personal GPS system for the life you want. You will uncover the map that leads to your destinations of happy, healthy and wealthy.

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